Andean Health  & Development is a not for profit humanitarian organization with 501(c)3 status which means donations are tax-deductable.
Let us know if you'd like to make a donation.
Gifts-in-kind are non-financial donations such as medical equipment, medications, services.
AHD "Wish List"

Sterilizer for equipment          $15,000
Anesthesia equipment           $12,000
Computer system (8 units)     $  8,000
Curtain divider system            $ 5,000
   (tracks, rings, curtains)
Surgical instruments             $ 1,000

1. Tocometers for L & D (2)
2. Cardiorespiratory monitors (2)
3. Industrial Washer & Dryer (gas)

We periodically send containers from the US, so if you have some things you think we might need, contact us!
Urgent                       Est. value
This page was last updated on: July 20, 2006